I've never known that there is very useful function on Google: Wonder Wheel. This function is so useful and interesting. If you search the word with Wonder Wheel, Google tells you more specific categories related to the word you search. Moreover, you can do brainstorm with figure like you do in your mind! I really recommend you this function. :)
Thanks to this class, i can use the Internet more usefully!
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Hi Takuya.
ReplyDeleteYeah I think wonder wheel is pretty neat tool.
It's really fun to do this.
And it's smart!!
But actually, sometimes we can get lost going to the completely different words.
So maybe we could call it "Wander Wheel"! lol
Hello Takuya!
ReplyDeleteI am interested in Wander Wheel,too. The function of displaying ralated words visually is useful for us to expand our ideas.